Welcome to the River Bend Wireless Operators Club
Thank you for visiting the River Bend Wireless Operators Club. We are located in Milan, Illinois. Have a look around and check out what our club is all about, along with the events and contests we participate in.
About Us
The River Bend Wireless Operators Club, based in Milan, Illinois, is a general interest amateur radio club serving the Illinois-Iowa greater Quad Cities area. We are an American Radio Relay League affiliated club. Our members have a wide variety of interests in amateur radio including contesting, chasing DX, working digital modes, emergency communications, and experimenting with new circuit designs and test equipment. Interested in amateur radio or how to become a “ham?” Come visit us at one of our meetings! We always have interesting programs following our business meeting.
Meetings & VE Test Sessions
We meet every 3rd Saturday of the month at 9 AM (local time) to discuss upcoming events, news in the amateur radio hobby, and what the members are up to. Additionally we host VE test sessions the 2nd Saturday of every even-numbered month. If you would like to take an amateur radio exam element, search for us on the ARRL website (http://www.arrl.org/find-an-amateur-radio-license-exam-session) for info on how to register in advance. We do not take walk-ins.
We’re always interested in gaining new members. We can offer guidance and experience to anyone interested. Just stop by!
Rock Island County EOC
6120 78th Ave
Milan IL 61264-3269
Contact W9XG.club@gmail for club information or questions.
Look for the Indian Bluff Golf Course & Forest Preserve driveway, come up the hill, and take the first right turn. Continue until you see the Rock Island County Emergency Operations Center by the radio tower. There is ample free parking.